Pink Rose Bouquet
Pink Rose Bouquet
Indulge in the timeless beauty of our stunning rose bouquet.
Our rose bouquet is carefully crafted by our experienced florists, ensuring that each stem is hand-selected for its beauty and quality. From the classic red roses to the delicate pink and white blooms, our bouquet is a true work of art.
Roses are a symbol of love, making them the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you're celebrating an anniversary, surprising your loved one on Valentine's Day, or simply expressing your gratitude, our rose bouquet is the perfect choice.
All of our floral arrangements are crafted using only the freshest and highest-quality blooms. Our rose bouquet is no exception, and is guaranteed to arrive looking stunning and vibrant.
Order now and experience the timeless beauty and elegance of our stunning rose bouquet.
**Flower shade of pink will be determined on freshness
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Delivery & Pickup
Delivery & Pickup
At checkout, you can easily select your preferred delivery or pickup date for your order. We offer flexible options to fit your schedule and ensure a seamless experience.
Our delivery rates are calculated based on distance to your location, so you can trust that you're getting a fair price.
Choose us for your next flower delivery or pickup and enjoy the convenience and ease of our process.
Most of our arrangements (except rose boxes) come out 2-3 inches on each side:
Medium Box
- Square Box - 7in x 7in
- Round Box - 7 in
Large Box
- Square Box - 9in x 9in
- Round Box - 9 in
Long Box
- 13in x 4in x 4in
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Bloom Box Care - Our tips:
- Water your bloom box daily in the centre. If it's difficult, we recommend using a water bottle. Please avoid watering from the sides since you may get the box wet.
- Keep boxes in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
- Arrangements kept in warm homes tend to whither faster due to the heat, avoid placing near fire places or warm rooms.
- If you would like to extend your arrangement's life, take the flowers out of the box, and cut the stem at an angle and place it in a vase with some water.